Behaviouralism is an approach in human geography that came to prominence in the human geography of the 1960s and 1970s. It goes out of the idea that people are the determining factor in the explanation of space. Behaviouralism tries to give an explanation of the spatiallity of human activities. And thereby they use a complex universally applicable model.
Definition of Behaviouralism:
The particular aspect with which geographical content is analyzed using mathematical statistics & human sensitivity, is called behavioralism.
Concept of Behaviouralism:
The Behaviouralism revolution is a theoretical concept. Its theories are not based on assumptions, but are actually explored through ascending methods based on the experience of human behavior. An analysis of the significance of geographical issues in behavioral perspectives within a system, so therefore is no definite boundary to behavioral geography. The main purpose of behaviouralism geography is to investigate the significance of analysis of the relation of human behavior to space, time & the environment.
Fig: Model of Behaviouralism (Boulding, 1956).
Characteristics of Behaviouralism:
i. Environment & Man: People play two roles on the environment where they live:
a) Real World: People try to adapt to the environment, this is called environmental behaviouralism.
b) Mental World: At the will of Humans, behavior takes precedence.
ii. Priority of Individual wishes: In behaviouralism the emphasis is on the individual rather than on the group.
iii. Multi-disciplinary: Behavioural geography is multi-disciplinary.
iv. Man as a Responder: Behavioural geography treats man as a responder to stimuli.
v. Spatial Science Tradition: Behavioural geography has maintained strong ties with the positivist/spatial science tradition.
Assumption of Behaviouralism:
i. Men are rational while taking decision.
ii. Men make choices.
iii. Choices are made on the basis of knowledge.
iv. Information is evaluated to pre-determined criteria.
Objectives of Behaviouralism:
i. To develop models for humanity which were alternative to the spatial location theories developed through quantitative revolution;
ii. To define the cognitive (subjective) environment this determines the decision-making process of man;
iii. To unfold the spatial dimensions of psychological and social theories of human decision-making and behaviour;
iv. To explain the spatial dimensions of psychological, social and other theories of human decision-making and behaviour;
V. To change in emphasis from aggregate populations to the disaggregate scale of individuals and small groups;
vi. To search for methods other than the mathematical and statistical that could uncover the latent structure in data and decision-making;
vii. To emphasize on procession rather than structural explanations of human activity and physical environment;
viii. To generate primary data about human behaviour and not to rely heavily on the published data; and
IX. To adopt an interdisciplinary approach for theory-building and problem-solving.
Principles of Behaviourlism:
i. Behavouralism tried to understand the role of human psychology in man-nature relationship.
ii. This psychological process helps us to understand environment.
iii. This environment understanding or knowledge guides in decision-making which ultimately controls human behavior.
This behavior, in turn, brings about changes in environement.
Propounders of Behaviouralism Approach:
i. Kirk, 1951
ii. Boulding, 1956
iii. Kates, 1962
iv. Pred, 1967
Merits of Behaviouralism:
i. The Behaviouralism approach completes the circle of geography.
ii. Established a scientific relationship between man & environment.
iii. Behaviouralism approach is one of the landmarks of human geography.
iv. The first behavioural geography survey of what people think about the environment.
Demerits of Behaviouralism:
i. Lack of correlation between different concepts in behavioral geography.
ii. In behavioral geography, it is possible to accurately measure the image of the external environment in human minds. But in reality it is not so easy.
iii. This idea is based mostly on assumptions.
iv. Very complicated idea because statistical analysis & human psyche are linked.
Application of Behaviouralism:
i. Mental Map
ii. Topophilia
iii. Migration Model
People need statistics to discuss the environment, of course, but when we discuss the environment in general, the need for behavouralism approach is more.
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