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Sector theory of city structure

Theories of City Structure-Sector Theory

The Sector model, also known as the Hoyt model, is a model of urban land use proposed in 1939 by land economist Homer Hoyt & R.M. Hurd. It is a modification of the Concentric-zone theory or model of city development. The benefits of the application of this model include the fact it allows for an outward progression of growth. As with all simple models of such complex phenomena, its validity is limited.
      i.         Hoyt suggested that rather than in ring growth, it took place in homogeneous pie shaped sectors which extended rapidly from the centre toward the periphery of the city. 
     ii.         Theory was mainly based on residential tent patterns.
According to Hoyt’s Sector theory, the city contains the following sectors:
Sector-1: Central Business District:
      i.         It is placed at the center of the city.
     ii.         It is highly accessible centre of urban.
   iii.         Transport system is very high.
   iv.         High rent of land.
     v.         Retaining of goods.
Sector-2: Wholesale & Light Manufacturing:
      i.         Transport system is very much developed.
     ii.         Land value is high.
   iii.         Living conditions are bad because of proximity to industries.
Sector-3: Low-class Residential:
      i.         Low income group reside in this area.
     ii.         Narrow roads, high population density, small houses with poor ventilation exist in this area.
   iii.         Closeness to industries reduces the travel cost & thus attracts industrial workers.
   iv.         Environmental & living conditions are often inadequate because of the proximity to factories.
Sector-4: Middle-class Residential:
      i.         This area has middle income groups who can afford more substantial travel cost & want better living conditions.
     ii.         The activities of people residing in this area consist of different activities & not just the industrial work.
   iii.         It has more linkages with CBD along with linkages to industries.
   iv.         This area has the most significant residential area.
Sector-5: High-class Residential:
      i.         This is the outermost and farthest area from the downtown. 
     ii.         Wealthy and affluent people live in this area. 
   iii.         This area is clean, has less traffic, quiet and has large houses. 
   iv.         Corridor or spine extending from CBD to the edge has the best housing.

The significance of Hoyt Model:

              i.                  Ecological factors + economic rent concept to explain the land use pattern.

     ii.         Stress on the role of transport routes in affecting the spatial arrangement of the city.
   iii.         Both the distance and direction of growth from the city center are considered.
   iv.         Brings location of industrial and environmental amenity values as determinants in a residential place.
     v.         Example: Sectors of high-class residential areas tend to grow towards higher grounds, sites with a better view, more open space, the homes of influential leaders within the community and existing outlying, smaller settlements.

 Features of sector model:

      i.         Presence of low-income groups near industries supports Hoyt Model.

            ii.                  The Hoyt model realized that transportation (in particular) and access to resources caused a disruption of the Burgess model.

   iii.         Transport linkages profoundly influence activities and their locations. Low transportation cost and proximity to roads/railway reduce the cost of production.
   iv.         This model applies well to Chicago.
     v.         Account for major transportation routes and its effect on activities.
      i.         Only emphasis on residential rent patterns.
     ii.         Hoyt did not attempt to locate social influence on phenomena with in the metropolitan area.
   iii.         Only Railway lines are considered for the growth of sectors and do not make allowances for private cars.
   iv.         It is a monocentric representation of cities; multiple business centers are not accounted for in this model.
     v.         Physical features – physical features may restrict or direct growth along specific wedges.
   vi.         No reference to out of town development.



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