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The process of research is systematic and follows a definite sequence. As mentioned by Isaac and Michael (1971), the following are the steps involved in a research—

Step 1. Determining the problem

In an ex-post facto research, it is necessary for the researcher to focus on the problem that he or she needs to study. They not only need to find out a problem, they also need to determine, analyse and define the problem which they will be dealing with.

Step 2. Literature Review

Before trying to predict the causal relationships, the researcher needs to study all the related or similar literature and relevant studies, which may help in further analysis, prediction and conclusion of the causal relationship between the variables under study.

Step 3. Formulation of hypothesis

The third step of the ex-post facto research is to propose the possible solutions or alternatives that might have led to the effect. They need to list out the assumptions which will be the basis of the hypothesis and procedure of the research.

Step 4. Designing the approach (Sampling techniques, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Results & Discussion)

Once the problem has been defined and the hypothesis has been postulated, the researcher needs to select the sample which fits the criteria of the study. They also need to select the scale or construct instrument for collecting the required information / data. Once the designing are all finalised, the researcher analyses the relationship between the variables.

Step 5. Validation

The researcher needs to validate the significance of their research. They need to be cautious regarding the extent to which their findings would be valid and significant and helpful in interpreting and drawing inferences from the obtained results.

Step 6. Interpretation of the conclusion

Finally, the researcher needs to analyse, evaluate and interpret the information collected. It is on basis of this step only, the researcher selects the best possible alternative of causes which might have led the effect to occur.



The criteria for good research are as follows:
  1. 1)  Purpose of research should be clearly defined and common concepts that are used should be operationally defined.
  2. 2)  The research procedure should be precisely planned, focused and appropriately described in order to enable other researcher to do research for further advancement.
  3. 3)  Research design should be carefully planned to generate results to maintained objectivity.
  4. 4)  The research report should be as much as possible frank enough to gauge effects of the
  5. 5)  Data analysis in the research report should be adequate to reveal its significance and the
    method of analysis employed be appropriate.
  6. 6)  Validity and reliability of the applied techniques or models should be examined carefully.


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