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Literature review in research design

[] Definition:
Literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic.
[] Characteristics:
      i.         Literature review is an integral part of the research process & makes a valuable contribution to almost every operational step.
     ii.         Literature review can be time consuming, daunting & frustrating, but it is also rewarding.

[] Functions of Literature Review:
      i.         It provides a theoretical background to your study.
     ii.         It helps you establish the links between what you are proposing & what has already been studied.
   iii.         It enables you to show how your findings have contributed to the existing body of knowledge in your profession.
   iv.         It helps you to research findings into the existing body of knowledge.
     v.         Bring clarity & focus to your research problem.
   vi.         Improve your research methodology.
  vii.         Broaden your knowledge base in your research area.
viii.         Contextualize your findings.
   ix.         It provides the context for research.
     x.         Inform & modify your own knowledge.
   xi.         Identify an appropriate research question.                                                                                                [] Consist of Literature Review:
Literature review consists of –
  1. Books:
i.               Encyclopedias. (-General, e.g. Encyclopedia Britannica. – Specific, e.g., Encyclopedia of Social Science.)
ii.              Year Books.
iii.            Text Books.
iv.            Reference Books.
  1. Journals:
i.               Published Monthly.
ii.              Quarterly.
iii.            Half yearly or Annually.
  1. Reports:
i.               Reports of Committees/Commissions appointed by Government & Public Institutuins.
ii.              Seminar Report & Conference Proceedings.
  1. Research Dissertations & theses.
  2. Newspaper.
  3. Micro Forms:
i.               Audio & Video tapes.
ii.              Micro Card.
iii.            Micro Film.
[] Purpose/Causes of Literature Review:
  1. Background Knowledge: To gain a background knowledge of the research topic.
  2. Identify the relation: To identify the concept relating to it, potential relationship between them & to formulate researchable hypotheses.
  3. Identify Appropriate Methodology: To identify appropriate methodology of measuring problem.
  4. Identify Appropriate Research Design & Methods: To identify appropriate research design & methods of measuring problem.
  5. Identify Data Sources: To identify data sources used by other researchers.
  6. Learn Reports: To learn how others structured their reports.
  vii.         Improve Research Methodology: Improve your research methodology.

viii.         Provides Context for Research: It helps to provides the context for research.

   ix.         Inform & Mobility Knowledge: Inform & modify your own knowledge.

     x.         Identify Research Problem: Identify an appropriate research question.
[] Sources of Literature Review:
The sources of Literature are-
A.Subject Catalogues of Libraries.
There categories furnish lists of books available on various subjects.
B.Documentation Services.
      i.         Social Sciences Documentation Centre of ICSSR.
     ii.         National Documentation Centre of Mass Communication, New Delhi.
   iii.         Central for Rural Documentation, Hyderabad.
   iv.         Central for Economic & Social Studies, Hyderabad.
      i.         Indian National Bibliography.
     ii.         The Library Congress Accession List, South Asia.
   iii.         Asian Social Science Bibliography.
   iv.         Bibliographies of Libraries.
      i.         Index India.
     ii.         Indian Index Service.
   iii.         Indian Press Index.
   iv.         Documentation of Asia.
E.Government Report.
      i.         Catalogue of Government of India Publications, 1980.
     ii.         Statistical Abstracts – India.
F.Research Abstracts.
      i.         ICSSR Research Abstracts.
     ii.         Indian Dissertation Abstracts. 
G.Information on Research Done.
      i.         University News.
     ii.         Foreign Theses on India.

[] Planning of Literature Review:
This planning involves three steps:
      i.         To decide what information is useful & what is not useful.
     ii.         To determine how to record what is gathered from a published material.
   iii.         To set up an orderly recording or not-taking system.


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