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Changing concept of development

Development is a dynamic concept. The concept of development is almost as old as civilization. It is extreme use in western societies from Greco-Roman civilization to the late 19th century as a generic construct that designates the most varied aspects related to humanity’s well-being. Below follow various perspective on development & the changes made over time  – 
(i).Economic Growth Perspective (Before 1960s): Perspective & its approach & focus on economic growth. Adam Smith (Wealth of Nation) propounded the first systematic theory of economic growth. According to him, invention of better machines is responsible for increase in productivity & material welfare.
     The indicators, which have been identified to measure the level of economic development include – 
  • Per-capita income
  • Gross National Product (GNP)
  • Number of Functioning Industrial Units.

(ii).Sustainable Development Perspective (1970s): Perspective & its approach & focus on education. Health, employment, social & economic growth etc. The concept of sustainable development received its first major international recognition in 1972 at the UN conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm. The modern concept of Sustainable development is derived mostly from the 1987 Brundtland Report.
     The indicators, which have been identified to measure the level of sustainable development include – 
  • Economic: GNP, Investment.
  • Social: Equity, Health, Population.
  • Environment: Atmosphere, Biodiversity.

(iii).Human Development Perspective (1990s): Perspective & its approach & focus on social, human, economic growth. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which received the concept in its Human Development Report (HDR) of 1990 (UNDP,1990).
     The theory grew in the 1980s with the work of Amartya Sen & his Human Capabilities perspective. The modern concept of Human Development propounded by Mahbub-ul-Haq, Uner Kirder & Amartya Sen. Human Development broadly refers to improvement in the overall well-being.
The indicators, which have been identified to measure the level of human development include – 
  • Life expectancy
  • Literature rate

(iv).Multidimensional Perspective (2000s): Perspective & its approach & focus on social, environment, economic, political, human, freedom & gender issues etc. The concept of multidimensional perspective propounded by John Rawls & Amartya Sen.
    The indicators, which have been identified to measure the level of multidimensional development include – 
  • Health
  • Living standard.

Table: Changing Concept of Development from 1960s to 2000s
Approach & focus
Economic Growth Perspective
Economic growth
Adam Smith (Wealth of Nation)
Sustainable Development Perspective
Education, health, employment, social & economic growth
Brundtland commission (Club of Rome)
Human Perspective
Social, human, economic growth
Mahbub-ul-Haq, David Richardo
Multidimensional Perspective
Social, environment, economic, political, human, freedom & gender issues
Amartya Sen, John Rawls


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